FICO Score

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:December 22, 2021

FICO Score. In simple words, FICO score is also called as credit score. It was started by Fair Isaac Corporation and now is a very vital tool in place and in use by most of the financial institutions and lenders. This simply shows the credit worthiness of an individual. Whenever someone is considering of car loan, mortgage or as a matter of fact need any kind of financing, credit score always gets an attention. A…

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What is Mortgage Refinancing

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 23, 2023

What is Mortgage Refinancing A Guide to Mortgage Refinancing: Enhancing Your Home Loan. Updated in 2023. This information is how refinancing looked like till 2022 or earlier. In 2023 interest rates have changed a lot and it may not be possible to acquire low cheaper interest rates. So everyones situation will be different as usual. Refinancing a home is a topic that often crosses the minds of homeowners who have lived in their current residence…

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Tree Planting Update – Brampton

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  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post last modified:July 29, 2021

Brampton 2040 Vision​ calls for planting one million new trees by 2040.  Since the last 2013 ice storm, the City and its partners have planted an average of approximately 42,000 trees annually. To achieve one million trees by 2040, city need to plant an additional 10,000 trees annually. That is the vision of city of Brampton. To keep our ecosystem balnaced, its a great move by the city to grow our urban forest, mitigate and…

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