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Home » General » Why My Printer Is Offline

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Why My Printer Is Offline

Printer Offline !!

This post is off the track but the info has been very handy when stuck printing any offers!!!
This is the most common problem I have been facing with my brother printers. Has it happened with when you are in hurry. You want to print something but it will not print ! You are stuck ! The message displays, printer offline and in printer properties, printer icon is  gray, default settings are correct.
Right now I have two wi-fi enabled printers at home and both of them have issues. Over the years, I have been successful in resolving the issues the problem keeps popping out every other week.

Few years ago, I had USB enabled HP all in one printer. It gave me no problem. Just wondering for a permanent fix to address this problem ! I understand software updates, patches can make a difference but should not happen quite often.

My ideas which have worked in the recent past are like:

  1.  Restart the computer
  2.  Restart the printer
  3. Delete the printer and add new
  4. Update the driver
  5. Tried printing in the cable mode
  6.  Resetting the wi-fi button
  7. Logging as an admin.
    I don’t think I have tried anything else apart from above. Some of the above tricks or ideas have worked well on some occasions but not every time. Many times, I have quit in frustration and but found it working perfectly fine after few days. But again am stuck one more time today !
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