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  • Post last modified:April 13, 2023
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Home » General » Red light Camera verse Speed Photo Radar Camera

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Red light Camera verses Photo Radar Camera.

Red light cameras and speed photo radar cameras are both types of automated traffic enforcement cameras that are used to detect and deter traffic violations. However, they differ in their primary function and the types of violations they are designed to capture.

Red light cameras are designed to detect and capture images of vehicles that run red lights at intersections. They are typically positioned at intersections where red light violations are common and can capture images of the vehicle’s license plate, driver, and other details to identify the driver responsible for the violation.

Speed photo radar cameras, on the other hand, are designed to capture images of vehicles that exceed the posted speed limit on the road. They use advanced technology to calculate the speed of the vehicle and capture images of the vehicle’s license plate and driver.

While both types of cameras are designed to improve road safety and deter traffic violations, there are some differences between them. Red light cameras are generally considered more controversial because they can be seen as a way for local governments to generate revenue through fines, rather than improving road safety. Speed photo radar cameras, on the other hand, are generally seen as a more effective tool for reducing speeding and improving road safety.

In summary, both red light cameras and speed photo radar cameras have their own unique purposes and benefits. The choice of which one to use depends on the specific traffic enforcement goals of the local government and the needs of the community.

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