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Six Things Must to Have in Your Car
Visiting places is always fun. Wherever you live, come summer, these activities are always on the increase.
Family trips on long weekends or on vacation are must to give a long break from work or from school for the kids.
Things can get nasty, if on a trip you get stuck or meet an emergency situation. Its important to keep not only emergency kits with you, but four things you must have in your car.
When we think of Car tier jack, we think of tire puncture, Yes, things can be difficult if you don’t have this. So always keep on in your car.
2, Dash Cam
Driving in the city is always challenging. A simple dash cam in the from or at rear, can record movement of traffic and can record it which can be helpful if needed later.
A must to keep your cellphone at the proper place. It meets government regulations and its the right way to recieve and use your phone on the move, which otherwise can be unsafe.
If you don’t want to get stuck with your family, having a tire puncture kit is very vital. It takes not more than 10 minutes to fix the puncture. And the best thing is you do not have to take out the tire from the hub. Most of the kits have the DIY instructions and its one of the easiest task.
Running low on air pressure, always increase palpitation, especially if you are with a family and its a night time or remote area. Before you get your tier puncture fixed, it can take you to the destination. You might have to fill up couple of time before you fix the puncture.
6. Coolant and Wind Shield Fluid
Always keep your coolant tank topped up. Before you drive out of the driveway, always check under the hood and keep extra bottle or a can in the trunk for emergencies
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