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  • Post category:General
  • Post last modified:December 24, 2021
  • Reading time:1 mins read
Home » General » New Location of Speed Cameras

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New Location of Speed Cameras

City of Brampton has successful installed 50 Street cameras in few of the Brampton streets.

With so  many coming soon signs, it appears city intend to install few more in the times to come.

Though there is initial cost involved with this project but in the longer run, city will make money from this, while achieving the sole purpose of limiting the speed.

City has strategically placed these cameras.

Two of the camera locations have been placed to new locations.

One of the camera witch initially was on south of McLaughlin Rd at Elgin St, now has been moved to North of McLaughlin.
Similarly, there is no camera on west of Vodden street now. This has been moved further east on Vodden, closer to Rutherford rd.

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