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  • Post last modified:February 19, 2023
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Home » General » Most Common Reasons Why Water Pipes Rattle

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Most Common Reasons Why Water Pipes Rattle

Water pipes may rattle for several reasons. Here are some of the most common reasons why water pipes rattle:

  1. Water hammer: Water hammer is a common cause of rattling pipes. It occurs when a valve is closed quickly, causing a sudden change in water pressure that can make the pipes vibrate or rattle. This can be fixed by installing water hammer arrestors, which are devices that absorb the shock and prevent the pipes from rattling.
  2. Loose pipes: If the pipes are not secured properly, they can vibrate or rattle when water flows through them. This can be fixed by tightening the mounting brackets or installing additional brackets to stabilize the pipes.
  3. Sediment buildup: Sediment, such as rust or minerals, can build up inside the pipes and cause them to vibrate or rattle when water flows through. This can be fixed by flushing the pipes to remove the sediment buildup.
  4. High water pressure: High water pressure can cause the pipes to vibrate or rattle when water flows through. This can be fixed by installing a pressure-reducing valve to reduce the water pressure.
  5. Worn out washers: Worn out washers in the faucet or valve can cause the water to flow unevenly and create a rattling noise. This can be fixed by replacing the worn out washers.

If you are experiencing rattling pipes, it is best to consult with a licensed plumber to determine the cause and the best course of action to fix the problem.

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