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Leasing A Home

Renting or Leasing A Home and Documents Needed

Quick checklist

What You Need To Have 

  1. Credit Checks* – Most recent. e.g 30 days or so, is the trend. Equifax is the preferred choice.
  2. Job letter*.
  3. Salary details and Pay stubs*
  4. Work Place reference
  5. Photo id of the no of people occupying the place.
  6. Post-dated cheques.*

In addition To Above Landlords Also Ask For

  1. No of Cars Park needed.
  2. 1st and last month cheque/draft as rent.
  3. Refundable Key and FOB deposits if applicable.
  4. Tenant Insurance coverage.
  5. Transfer of Utilities on Tenants name
  6. Upkeep of the backyard and front lawn.
  7. Snow removal
  8. Interview with the owner.
  9. Lease Form and Rental application – (Prepared by Realtor)

    …….if a property is listed, this is very much in practice and there could be more to it.

However, if you were renting a place own your own, or properties not listed, some of these may not be applicable.

*Keeping these 3 things handy will save your time, before you actually go for viewing!

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