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  • Post last modified:June 5, 2024
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Home » General » Fall Colors

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Fall colors

Fall Colors

The joys of outdoors are infinite and more so in the short lived days of summer.

Spring lays bare a blank canvas before us that we fill with color , texture and character.

But time stops for no one and nothing. Autumn is upon us and cooler temperatures bring about in the North a breathtaking change in the landscape.

Fall Colors ontario Fall at best can be described as nature going down in blaze of glory before the deep slumber of winter.

Blooms of summer might be spent , but the myriad of autumnal hues on the trees is a sight to behold.

Even though you may have set your eyes many times before on the fast changing colours of the vegetation around you, the magic never fades and stepping out of the house is not a drag.

So strap on your boots, grab your coat and enjoy what nature has to offer pretty much everywhere.

Local and provincial parks and Conservation Areas are the best places to hit up for viewing fall colours and Ontario is teeming with them. Take your pick.


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