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  • Post last modified:June 4, 2022
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Home » Technology » Why images are not shown in a browser while Using Firefox in 2022

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Why images are not shown in a browser while Using Firefox in 2022

There comes a situation, when we you visit a website everything works perfect but the pictures will not be upload. This leads to frustration when you are busy or are more interested to see the pictures. Everything gets loaded but not the pictures.

What you see is only a blank white background without an image. This can happen with any browser. The reasons could be any, but mostly this happens when we upgrade some features on our computers.

This post is meant for Firefox and its a quick fix.

If your images are not getting loaded on a webpage, here are the steps you need to follow in 2022.

1. Open a new window from a new tab.
2. Click the Gear sign at the top right. This open a small window.
3. Go at the bottom of this page. Next to the Gear sign click Manage My Settings.
4. This opens up a new screen and on the left side menu, scroll and go to click Privacy and Setting.
5. Scroll down the bottom of the page, where you see HTTPS-Only Mode

At the writing of writing this blog, this page on chrome look like this..

HTTPS-Only Mode
HTTPS provides a secure, encrypted connection between Firefox and the websites you visit. Most websites support HTTPS, and if HTTPS-Only Mode is enabled,
then Firefox will upgrade all connections to HTTPS.

  • Enable HTTPS-Only Mode in all windows
  • Enable HTTPS-Only Mode in private windows only
  • Don’t enable HTTPS-Only Mode

♥ Select the Don’t enable HTTPS-Only Mode and you are good to go.

Refresh your website page where and you will notice the pictures are being loaded on the server.

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