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  • Post category:Homes / Real Estate
  • Post last modified:June 2, 2022
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Home » Real Estate » Homes » Home With A Wood Burning Fire Place

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Home With Wood Burning Fire Place

Do you have Wood burning fire place in your home.

If yes, time will come when you will need your home chimney to be inspected by a certifies WETT certified professional.

The need for this is dues to the fact that with over a period of times, creosote builds up inside the wall of the chimney. How often you have you have to clean , depends upon your use and the design.

Wood burning stoves are very common in old style of homes, cottage or water fronting properties that are away from the city limits.

As per the fire code, the build up should not be more than 3 mm. Therefore when buying or before selling  such type of property with a wood burning fire place, chimney inspection becomes very important and you may have to call a WETT certified professional.

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