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  • Post last modified:January 2, 2022
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Home » General » Most commonly Used Words of 2020

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Most commonly Used Words of 2020 

Its early December and Year 2020 will be over in three weeks time. Time fly like anything and 2020 was a perfect example of that. When we think of month December, everyone think of holidays, Christmas and Santa. But it will not be same as still may communities around use facing with daily issues of covid.

We are still locked state since the beginning of year 2020. It was in Feb-march 2020 here, when we started talking about flue, virus, fever and then covid or covid-19 and finally it was Pandemic.

You pick any TV channel, newspaper or radio, we find all the countries are taking about this virus. Looks like the word pandemic has been widely used in year 2020 and we are still got to go.

Lets us look at other frequently used words. These are: Face Masks, Social Distance, 6 Feet Distance, Hand Sanitizer, Face Shield, Stay at Home, Vaccine, Moderna, Pfyser, WHO, stay safe, Front line workers, 14 days quarantine, China, John Hopkings University, no of cases, total recovered, deaths. work from home, online classes, Zoom meeting, google meet, lockdown, old age homes, ventilator, ICU.


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