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  • Post last modified:September 15, 2024
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Home » General » Why Do We Need Timer Switches At Home

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Why Do We Need Timer Switch At Home.

Timer switch is a more of a controller, which takes care of your switching on and off needs of the equipmwent. If you are looking to add little bit of automation,  check your needs matching your needs.

Timer switchges come with different timing settings, you need to choose to macth your best needs.

Morning time is always crucial. Going to early office and have no time ! You want the washroom fan to remain ON for 10 minutes after use, but have no time. Or every time you use it and forget to put it OFF. Your both fan and light remains on for extended period of time. Its the time to think over it.

This is what Timer Switches can do and play a bigger role in your daily life.

1. Timer Switch can be used in Washrooms to turn off the lights and Fans automatically.

2. Timer Switch can be used for controlling outdoor lights.

3. Timer Switch can be used for Christmas lights

4. Timer Switch can be used for automating specific light to switch ON/OFF at any time.

5.  Are you going on Vacation ? Timer Switch can be used for night time switching on off lights at different times.

6. Timer Switch can add value to your security light to come ON or OFF at specific time.

There are so many ways one can use Timer Switch at home or at work place. It depends upon your Home needs and life style. Someone may want to use it in washroom, to switch of the fan or light after a specific duration These are  very popular in hotel industry too.

Think of it in the longer run, how much money you would have paid in electricity bills over your life time or over the years. By installing a quality timer, you can save hundreds of dollars and utilize that savings somewhere else

Whatever, reasons you may have. Not installing a timer can be a drain on your pocket.  In the longer run, it can be a of significant figure, as you don’t want to add extra bills to your pocket.

If you are among above and want to save your money on hydro bills, it may be time to install a quality timer in all your washrooms.

Its small DIY project unless you need to get it done professionally, which is always recommended from safety prospective.

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