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  • Post last modified:November 19, 2024
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Home » General » Remembrance Day Poem

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Remembrance Day

On this Remembrance Day, we reflect on the courage and sacrifice of those who served and gave their lives for our freedom. Their bravery ensures that we can live in peace and cherish the liberties we often take for granted.

Let us honor their memory with deep gratitude.

Remembrance Day Poem

Beneath the quiet skies of dawn,
We stand with hearts both proud and drawn,
In silence deep, we pause and pray,
To honor those who passed away.

Their sacrifice, both fierce and bright,
Guides us through the darkest night,
And in the stillness, we stand tall,
Remembering them, one and all.

Let us carry their legacy forward, always mindful of the freedom they fought for and the peace they helped secure. We will never forget.


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