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Home » General » What Is A Thermo Couple and Why They Go Bad

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What Is A Thermo couple and Why They Go Bad

A Quick Look At Themocouple

A thermocouple is a device used in gas-powered appliances, including hot water tanks, to detect whether the pilot light is lit. It consists of two different metals joined at one end.

When one end is heated (in this case, by the pilot light flame), it produces a small voltage. This voltage is measured by the control system of the water heater.

If the pilot light goes out, the thermocouple cools down, and the voltage drops, signalling the control system to shut off the gas supply to prevent a dangerous gas leak.

Thermocouples may become defective or cease functioning due to various reasons. These include corrosion, accumulation of dirt or debris, or simply wearing out over time.

When not operating properly, the thermocouple fails to generate sufficient voltage to keep the gas valve open, leading to the pilot light extinguishing and preventing the water heater from heating the water.

One can buy these online sources or from your local hardware stores, but just make sure it matches your needs.

Regular maintenance and replacement (by licence professionals) of worn-out thermocouples are essential to ensure the proper functioning of hot water tanks.

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